Posts Tagged With: holidays

The Balance of Life

ImageAs we prepare for the coming holiday events, I realize that I am glad that we’re moving when we are because not only can I stay constantly busy and working on some idea or project, I also get to learn a lot about myself in the process. Keeping my mind on something helps me realize specific things that I need to improve on and how essential it is for the goals I have for myself.

First, I have high expectations for myself and my life. I know what I am capable of and I know what’s important to me. There is no reason that I can’t take the skills and education that I’ve gained, apply it, and make something of myself. Regardless of the fact that I didin’t finish college.

Second, it’s primarily my obsessiveness and procrastination that holds me back. Sometimes there are things that I obsess over so much, that it almost blinds me to everything else important in my life. It causes imbalance and horrible anxiety. Learning to balance these two are my main focus as of late. I think the hardest part is identifying it and admitting it to myself. However, I did find a blogger/writter, Sid Savara, that writes specifically about these things. While a lot of it is common sense, I think reading it in his daily newsletter is like a confirmation of the information I should already know. Which helps me to apply it to my life much better.

This is my thought process as of late. Learning to balance these things out during this busy time in our life is going to make our lives, when we move, much much easier.

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Along With Holidays, Creativity Breaks Anew

With the air growing brisker by the day, we find the holidays creeping up on us faster every day. That being said, we have a lot on our plates to prepare for. Halloween is next week and then we must start preparing for Thanksgiving.

Last year, we couldn’t do a whole lot. I was hanging by a thread at Starbucks because of a huge miscommunication and barely getting enough hours to pay all our bills. It’s pretty crazy all the stress that your body can manage, because looking back now, I don’t know how I handled it.

But this year, this year is different. It will be our last holiday in Ohio and we would like to make the most of it that we can. While we are ultra-ready to get out of this state, we still have people here that mean a lot to us and always will. This holiday will be the perfect time to show them that so we are planning a big Thanksgiving dinner for everyone. Not only that, but it will keep me busy. I like being busy and I enjoy planning things. It will keep my mind off the anticipation of the move.

Then, come December, I get to go spend some time with my family. It will be nice to finally have a holiday with everyone involved. I think my favorite part of this whole thing won’t be the gifts or anything like that, but the night of Christmas Eve when everything is quiet and it’s nothing but you, your family, the smell of pine needles and pumpkin pie and, this year, the added smell of baby powder from the new addition to the family. The anticipation is enough to make a person go crazy, so I spend my days planning, researching, Christmas shopping, and just staying busy in everything that I can.

My creativity has also been very active, blossoming, and changing. Every piece of art that I create is another coal in the fire to my ideas that continue to blaze and become brighter. Pumping my adrenaline more with every piece I finish. I am currently working on a set of photos which is beginning to lead into other ideas for later projects. I am going to allow myself enough time to gather my creativity, thoughts, and ideas and plan a release date of my content so that I can provide a nice range of work to show. Currently thinking of the end of January. I will release a more exact date in the next month or so.

In the mean time, I will leave you with a bit of a teaser photo:

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what site I am affiliated with, this is a promotional shot I did for my boyfriend’s website, He is currently rehashing his Gravemakers podcast starring he and his fellow graveyard buddy just riffing on the everyday drone of working as graveyard shift clerks. If you haven’t heard of it, you should definitely check it out.

I get a feeling that we’re going to bring in 2013 with a bang. I’m so ready.

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Hello world!

You know, I have been journaling for over 10 years, you would think that I would know where to start one of these. But alas, I do not and still I am stuck with an introduction like this. But that’s okay because usually once you get started, it’s not so difficult to create sense of the chaos and bring everything rolling in the direction that you want.

Which is honestly what I’ve been doing in my life for the past couple of years now. If there was nothing else I knew about my life growing up, it was that I didn’t have a freakin’ clue where I was going with it. You may ask now, “Do we ever, really?” And yes, we do actually, I can’t tell you how many Christ-following young people that I have met that know exactly where they’re going with their lives. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I won’t go further into that joke as to risk a lot of good people being very upset with me. It’s okay, I trust those of you who have voices speaking to them.

Personally, however, I have enjoyed not knowing where I’m going sometimes…most of the time. It has been stressful and scary at times, but it’s all worth it when you get to come home to someone you love and have a hot cup of tea knowing that all your bills are paid and you have a warm bed of your own in the next room.

It’s been a pretty intense year for me. On September 19 of last year, I hit the road to a small town called Findlay Ohio.

One year and two jobs later, Sam and I are in our own apartment with a paid off lease and gears to the future because as of the beginning of the year, we will be headed back to my beautiful state of Tennessee and taking our next step forward in life. It’s not going to be an easy road and our plans are still changing and evolving every day, but every day brings those plans closer.

In the mean time, my photography is getting back into gear, I have a Christmas to plan for, and our life is fairly relaxing. Now is the time to breathe while we prepare to hold our breath and take that next jump. It’s honestly pretty exciting.

Not too shabby for someone who has no clue where they’re going with their life.

❤ Bunnielight

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